Partnering together with St. Louis CITY SC, we aim to provide valuable coaching education to support coaches throughout the St. Louis Metropolitan area.


Sascha Bauer
Director of Regional Training and Education
St. Louis CITY SC
St. Louis CITY SC

Sam hackett
League America & Recreational Outreach Manager
Missouri Youth Soccer Association
Missouri Youth Soccer Association
Together with St. Louis CITY SC, we aim to provide coaching education support to coaches throughout the region.
- Target Group
CITY Community coaches, MYSA club coaches, coaches from our partner organizations, basically anyone who wants to improve their coaching abilities for the betterment of their players. - Content
During the next 4 years we are offering 48 training sessions (theory & practice, 90min each) that deal with the following topics:- Improve the individual player: Emotional Competencies, Physical Skills, Technical Abilities
- Become a stronger team: Social Competencies, Tactical Principles, Cognitive Skills